QUADCOPTERS have reached such a technologically advanced stage that many of them even have autopilot features that are guided by a GPS. In association with other sensors like 6-gyro, pressure, ultrasound, infrared and vertical camera, it’s possible to deliver reliable flight stabilization for multi-rotors. The GPS module make possible some incredible capabilities as:
Self-Leveling: when the pilot releases the remote control sticks (pitch/roll) , the quad remains stable at the same level.
Altitude Hold: the Quad have the ability to keep the distance from the ground with no throttle adjustment.
Return Home: when pressing a button, the Quad automatically return to the point where its initially took off.
Waypoint Navigation: the pilot can set specific points on a map that Quad will follow as part of a flight plan.
Fail Safe Returning Home: when the Quad loses contact with transmitter, for any reason and including low voltage from battery, its initiate a return to the initially took off point or hold altitude and position for a moment and starts a vertical landing procedure.
Circling Mode: a kind of geo-fencing that provides a virtual and safe box around pilots, preventing drone from flying too close.
Loiter Mode: when turned on, automatically attempts to maintain the current location, heading and altitude. It relies on the GPS locked before takeoff.
GPS Module & Other Sensors

6-AXIS GYRO: it means 3D gyro (3 axis) + 3D accelerometer. In most of the cases, it’s also 3D-compass. It’s made for avoiding failure of the device and make the flight really more stable and easy to control. A 3D flight system can only be around 3 axes (roll, yaw and pitch). The other 3 parameters may be from an accelerometer, that also gives the rotational data around those same 3 axes. A 6 axis gyro quad is more stable than a 3 axis gyro.
App AVAILABILITY: This type of app is free and provided by the aircraft manufacturer. Usually it’s compatible with devices running IOS, Android and Windows Phone, and allow to remotely control the Quad using a smartphone or tablet, substituting the use of a RC. transmitter. It connects through Bluetooth to the Quad. Once on the first screen, the pilot can access all functionalities as piloting, photos and videos, flight plan, altitude, speed, etc.