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Why Donate

By choosing to share our materials freely and openly on the web, the QuadsForFun have created a unique and detailed source of information about Drones and Quadcopter that has touched the passion of thousands of beginners in RC subjects.

Because of these Quad lovers we continue to increase information on a monthly bases. It would not be possible without the generosity of RC people. 

Your contribution will provide the resources needed to collect, create, digitalize and publish new materials, freely and openly. I can't afford by myself the time consuming of updating and enriching my site (our site) content. In fact, I really want to continue to produce these detailed REVIEWS.

Your gift will ensure that I can keep QuadsForFun up-to-date and add more rich resources.

For Donations from Brazil

For Donations from Europe

For Donations from USA

© 2014 by Quads for Fun created by Alex

South America, Brazil (Quad & Drones)

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