Thunder Tiger Ghost
The Ghost is the Thunder Tiger’s more compact multi-rotor aircraft. The Drone was launched into the market in early 2015. The Ghost comes equipped with an enlarged frame design and retractable landing gear. The unique intelligent power display system shows the battery life and features an anti-spark design. The large high-intensity directional LED lights are mounted under each motor to help with flight orientation. The Ghost’s design is compatible with multiple camera gimbal systems and is also able to accept standard Li-po batteries in addition to the proprietary TTRobotix Li-po battery. The RTF Ghost version package comes equipped with a GPS, WIFI, Hero Flight Controller, 6S 6000mAh battery, Commander Radio and 3D gimbal (GoPro compatible).

FEATURES (Thunder Tiger Ghost):
Enlarged frame space provides abundant assembly space for electron systems and easier to install various auxiliary equipment required for aerial photography;
Intelligent power display system on the surface provides battery capacity check and anti-spark design;
Can use either proprietary battery or use standard Li-po batteries;
Build-in “Follow Me” function let the Pilot Drone can Follow him/her to everywhere;
Retractable Landing Skids provide better view of the camera lens (360 Degrees);
High performance 3-Axis gimbal suitable for Gopro models (standard pack);
High performance handycam carrier for the Sony PJ series (Optional).
SPECIFICATIONS (Thunder Tiger Ghost):
Diagonal distance: 450 millimeters;
Frame weight (motor, esc, props): 1.45 Kg;
Motor stator size: 28.0 x 14.0 mm;
Motor KV: 450 rpm/V;
ESC current: 30 A; ESC voltage: 6S Li-po;
Propeller size: 11” (27.9 cm);
Battery compartment capacity: 6S Li-po (2 x 4000mAh);
Takeoff weight: 2.15Kg (using 6S/6000mAh proprietary battery);
Max hover time: about 25 minutes (6S/6000mAh)

DIMENSIONS (Thunder Tiger Ghost):
Thunder Tiger Gost: Shaft to Shaft: 31.8 cm, Drone Diameter: 45.0 cm, Propeller: 11" (27.9 cm), Heigh: 28.3 cm, Landing Gear: front to front - 29.8 cm, front to back - 32.3 cm.

Thunder Tiger Ghost
Ensure the better calibration, the Compass of the Drone is separated due to sensitive to EMI (Electromagnetic Interference).
After inserting the battery cartridge, the Pilot can check out the battery capacity (level) from the LEDs circle display.
The Thunder Tiger Ghost uses a 6S, 22.2 volts, 6000 mAh, Li-po flat pack battery. It’s possible to use 2S or 3S rechargeable standard Li-po batteries as an alternative.
Retractable landing gears provide better view of the Camera lens. No barriers for the in-flight videos and pictures. A 360º Field of Aerial View!
Includes a holder for a smartphone and FPV that allows the Pilot to monitor the live view of the Thunder Tiger Ghost quadcopter.

Thunder Tiger Ghost Gimbal (Morpheus H3D-360) Features:
New designed brushless gimbal for GoPro Hero3/3+;
Adopt special slip ring components. The third shaft can be 360 degrees of unlimited rotation.
Provide Chase Head and Lock mode pointing the camera towards front side by clicking just one button;
The Gimbal uses separated position sensors to avoid cumulative error for the chase head mode;
The three axis (Tilt, Roll, Pan) can be controlled independently;
Increased rate of 5200 Hz prove a delicate stabilizing effect;
5 volts power supply system and power consumption of 500ma;

Thunder Tiger Ghost can tracks the Pilot position and autonomously follow the Pilot to everywhere without needs to control the Radio. The Smartphone sends GPS coordinates over WIFI to Ghost Flight control in the Drone. The Hero FC compares it's own GPS coordinates and navigates to the smartphones position.

Hero Flight Controller (Thunder Tiger Ghost):
BASIC PERFORMANCE: Multi Rotor Types supported – Quadrotor or Hexarotor; Supported ESC: output 4,00Hz refresh frequency PWM; Recommended Transmitter: PCM or 2.4GHz, 6 channels at least, Failsafe function available on all channels; Battery: 6S Li-po; Hardware Weight: MC 32g, GPS 37g, Wifi 39g; Hardware Size: MC - 7,05 cm x 4,1 cm x 2,5 cm | GPS – ø 5.5 cm x 1.1 cm | Wifi – 6.5 cm x 4.0 cm x 1.44 cm | LED – 1.7 cm x 1.7 cm x 0,55 cm.
FLIGHT PERFORMANCE: Hovering Position Accuracy (GPS mode) – Vertical ±1 meter, Horizontal ±2 meters; Max Level Speed: 10.2 m/s; Max Ascent or Descent Speed: 5 m/s; GCS Software: Map Google 3-D GIS; Windows XP sp3, Win7, Android 4.0.
BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS: Fail Safe, Auto Hover, Go Home, Auto Land, Auto Takeoff & Auto Landing; Low Voltage Alert; Realtime Flight status; Phone Attitude Control; Support Wifi module.
WIFI MODULE: The Drone comes with a professional WIFI module which can connect with a module device. The TTRobotix APP provides to the Pilot a detailed overview of status such as location, battery capacity and GPS.
ESC - ELECTRONIC SPEED CONTROLLER: 30A 450X OPTO ESC, NO BEC, Working Current: 30 A, Working Voltage: 6S Li-po;
COMPASS HOLDER ANTENNA: Ensure a really better calibration because Drone’s Compass is separated due to sensitive to electromagnetic interference.

WIFI COMMUNICATION (Thunder Tiger Ghost):
The Thunder Tiger GHOST comes with a professional WIFI module, which can connect with your smart device. The TTRobotix APP provides to the Pilot detailed overview of status such as location, battery capacity, GPS and much more. The WIFI is built-in two communication modes (Router or PP modes). The user can choose the mode depending on his/her favorite method which can fly with no need router, greatly bring convenience to out-space flight.

(For Thunder Tiger Ghost Drone)
Equipped with 2.4GHz and 9 channels - sticks for throttle, aileron, elevator, and rudder; and switches for changing flight mode (manual, GPS, automatically landing), folding the landing skids, and changing Mode 1 / Mode 2. Enlarge Image for see details

Thunder Tiger Ghost Drone (Botton View - Belly), High-intensity Directional LED Lights, Directional LED Lights Plastic Cover, Power Display Led Module, Directional LED Lights, Plastic Cover, Power Display, Led Module, Intelligent Power Display, hone Holder, Body Shell Set , Main Power System Board, Receiver 2.4 GHz (For Commander Transmitter). (Enlarge Pictures)
Thunder Tiger Ghost: Motor ( KV 450 rpm/V), Wifi Module, GPS Module Set, Propellers (Blades), Retractable Skid Gear Box Set, Battery Charger, Hero Flight Controller(TT Robotics), ESC - Thunder Tiger Ghost, 30A 450X OPTO ESC, NO BEC. (Enlarge Pictures)
Thunder Tiger GhosT: Battery Tray Set, Landing Gear Set, Compass Module Set, Compass Holder, Status Light Module Set Direction Light Module (Red or Green), Thunder Tiger FPV 5.8GHz, Transmitter, Receiver, LCD, Monitor Hood (OPTIONAL), Smart Battery Box (It fits into the front of the Ghost Drone), 6000 mAh, 22.2V Li-Po battery (It fits into the Battery Box). (Enlarge Pictures)